Monday, January 11, 2010

Creative Genius'


Ok, so these pictures were taken back in October but when I came across them today I thought...Hmmmm.
I know my kids are creative and constantly coming up with new ways to do things but skateboarding down the rock wall....

Before I got the camera out they actually had another board that started at the top of the rock stairs and overlapped the bottom board. By the time I had my camera, and after several attempts, they decided that it wasn't such a great idea and ditched the top board. - THANKFULLY! - They were having SO much fun that all I could say was "if you are going to do that, AT LEAST go put your helmets on." - Obviously they chose to ignore that motherly advice.

While the boys were "skateboarding", Addi found one of her favorite spots and made herself at home in a pile of dirt. So much for keeping a cute little girl clean. And as usual, she "posed" for pictures.
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