Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I LOVE the snow!

I love the way it looks when it is floating, in big flakes, 
down to the ground.

I Love how the trees and bushes are tansformed when they are covered in snow.

I Love how there seems to be a calmness in the air as it snows.

I Love how it transforms the yucky, dead grass, trees and bushes into something that feels magical.

I LOVE trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue.


I LOVE playing in the snow.....

I LOVE pulling my kids in a sled behind the 4-wheeler in my parents back yard.

I LOVE the sheer JOY on their faces as they fly over bumps, tip and turn around obstacles, and see how long they can hold on to the back of sled while they drag behind it.
I LOVE building a snowman and seeing the AWE and EXCITEMENT my kids have once it is finished.


I LOVE that no matter how old we get, we can be silly, eat snow, go tubing/sledding while screaming and laughing out loud the whole time, make snow angels, have snowball fights like we did when we were kids an NO ONE says a word or looks at you like you are crazy!
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